
Washington Bilingual Elementary Dormitory List for Students



Please markPWhen you have the item prepared.

盥洗用具Hygiene items

臉盆Face basin 沐浴乳Bath jell or lotion

洗臉毛巾Facial towel 浴巾Bath towel 洗髮精Shampoo

牙刷Tooth brush 漱口杯Rinsing cup 牙膏 Toothpaste


個人用品Personal items

衛生紙Toilet tissue □個人藥品Personal medication

健保卡Health card 床墊Sleeping mat

棉被Blanket 枕頭Pillow 衣架Clothes stand

室內拖鞋Indoor slippers 茶杯Cup


個人衣物Personal Clothing

制服Uniform 體育服Sports wear(一年級新生及轉學生由學校發放)

便服Leisure wear 內衣褲Underwear 襪子Socks


學校上課需帶用品Items for schooling

球鞋Tennis shoes  室內拖鞋Indoor slippers  水壺Water bottle

上課所須文具用品(鉛筆Pencils紅筆Red ball pen直尺Ruler橡皮

Eraser膠水Glue安全剪刀A pair of scissors籃筆Blue ball pen、

鉛筆盒pencil box


Please provide a separate set of class tools for English classes.pencils, eraser, ruler, a pair of scissors, color markers, glueThese items need to be submitted to your ESL Teacher on the first day of school.


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